Wednesday 11 February 2015

Cardboard Jigsaw puzzles

Being the Mom of little kids what you always think is about your little one's, their activities n interest. You always enjoy to make them learn, play and engaged in different innovative and creative activities. Well, I saw my DS was taking interest in jigsaws on ipad. he was really good that at the age of 2.2 years he was able to solve 20+ pieces puzzle (I was really impressed) but I was not sure how he is going to deal with real jigsaw pieces.

So, I started looking for 2/3 pieces jigsaw puzzle and bought few of them (2 to 10 pieces) but soon after 3-4 go, they were lying in the corner of my home THAT'S IT! this gave me the idea of making jigsaw puzzles.

I made him around 20 puzzles (1 -15 piece) and I used to alter the pieces further, if I feel he is not taking interest or getting bored.

things I Used:-

  • Started with my B&W printer,
  • Some cereal box cardboard,
  • Some pamper cartons
  • Craft knife
  • Craft glue

And we are ready to go- My each puzzle is made of 2 A4 sheet (1 cereal cardboard n 1 pamper carton card board)

Print the design and stick it on carton and cut the outline.

For this puzzle I chose every possible black and white prints which includes animals and vehicles. B&W because my Dear Son enjoy painting, so together we colored them.

Glue cardboard and carton together.

For front side I used Pamper's carton and for the base I used cereal box card boards. 

Let your kid join you in glueing and colouring...he did enjoy a lot.

And here is the result... not bad? I started with one piece.

 like this...

When he got board with one piece, I cut it in a 2 piece and so on...right now its a 10 piece jigsaw puzzle

Well its time to do it ...


It is a shame that I don't have a step by step tutorial or pictures, but of course, I have an end product and here it is!

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop me your suggestions in the comments box below, if you have any.

For more cardboard projects please click  here

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