Wednesday 11 February 2015

Wooden Mandir out of empty drawers

When you are a crafty mind you will try to make best out of waste and I did the same.  It was a little side table in the house, but got damaged at the time of shifting, sadly irreparable. The drawers were really nice, so couldn't throw them away and tried to do some experiments and for me the end result was very satisfying.
I used 2 drawers  to make a little wooden Mandir. 1 for the front vertical side and other one is for base.

Things I used: 

  • Empty drawers 
  • Glitter
  • Glue
  • Tissue boxes
  • Sticky tape
  • Coloured paper
  • Craft knife
  • Scissors
  • Sand paper

Step 1:

Decide the way you want your Mandir vertical or horizontal . I decided to go for vertical/longer side.

Step 2:

From the second drawer I took the wooden ply base out for designing purpose only, It can be cut by a normal craft knife easily.

Step 3:

Just draw your pattern and cut it out with craft knife. You can easily do it with little extra pressure on the ply and use sand paper to make edges smooth.

Step 4:

I was so impatient, so, for sticking purpose I used Bluetack but you can always use wooden glue as it will be more durable. It just takes little longer to dry hence, my shortcut was bluetack!

Step 5:

I used PVA glue for sticking the glitters but you can use your decorations and thing to  give it a perfect look.

Step 6:

Originally the base was small, so I extended it with another drawer and just did the addition of tissue boxes to make sections.


Step 7:

Here is my final look of Mandir.

Hope you like the idea of converting drawers in to Mandir. Thanks for looking. please visit my blog  and like my Facebook page for more awesome recycling ideas.

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